Post Basic B.SC. Nursing

Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing

This programme of study is for registered nurses holding certificates in General Nursing and Midwifery and leads to a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing of the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences with an intake of 30 seats. The course of study is for a period of 2 Years. The general educational courses of the first year provide a sound base upon which advanced nursing courses are built.

Admission is once in a year and is open to candidates from all parts of India provided they meet the basic requirements.

Approved by : KNC & INC, New Delhi, Affiliated to RGUHS, Bangalore and Recognized by Government of Karnataka
Eligibility : GNM pass
Duration : The course consists of 2 Years.
Course Commencement : October
Total intake : 30

The course consists of 2 Years.

A graduate of the programme should :

  • Interpret, demonstrate and administer high quality nursing care to people of all ages in homes, hospitals and other community agencies in urban and rural areas.
  • Apply knowledge from the physical, biological, and behavioural sciences in assessing the health status of individuals, and make critical judgements in planning, directing and evaluating primary, acute and long term care given by themselves and others working with them.
  • Investigate health care problems systematically.
  • Work in collaboration with members of other allied disciplines towards attaining optimum health for all citizens of the society.
  • Teach and counsel individuals, families and other groups about health and illness.
  • Understand human behaviour, and establish effective interpersonal relationship with individuals, families and groups.
  • Recognize the various forces affecting the community’s health and welfare programmes; participate in identifying, planning and carrying out community health programmes which meet the community's expectation.
  • Demonstrate teaching and administrative skills in the clinical nursing situation as well as in formal nursing education programmes.
  • Assume responsibility for continued learning and for increasing competence in nursing practice.
  • Uphold ethical and Gospel values in their personal and professional life.
Semester ISemester II
Nursing FoundationMaternal Nursing
Nutrition & DieteticsMicrobiology
Biochemistry & BiophysicsChild Health Nursing
PsychologyEnglish (Qualifying)
Semester IIISemester IV
Medical & Surgical NursingIntroduction to Nursing Education
SociologyIntroduction to Nursing Administration
Community Health NursingIntroduction to Nursing Research
Mental Health NursingStatistics

Attendance,Progress & Conduct:

Each student must have a certificate of satisfactory attendance, progress and conduct from the principal of the college of Nursing to be examination. A minimum of 80% attendance is required in each subject for both theory and practical. Attendance of 10% may be condoned by the Vice Chancellor on the recommendation of the principal based on the genuinety of the case.

Internal Assessment:

There shall be an internal assessment which follows the principles enuciated by the University in each subject, for which 20% of the marks are set apart and these will be added to the final marks in the University examination. There shall be a minimum of two assiGNMents and three periodical tests in every subject each year, to assess the progress of the candidates.

If a candidate fails in examination, his/her internal assessment shall be assessed again. If he/she is a regular student for the second attempt only, and the marks obtained, which ever is higher, will be considered.